CUA30420 Certificate III in Live Production and Technical Services

This qualification is designed to reflect the role of individuals who work in technical production areas, who perform a range of skilled tasks using discretion and judgement, and who have the ability to select, adapt and transfer skills to different situations. This qualification is very flexible and designed to meet a broad range of industry needs. It includes a general option to reflect the need for multi-skilling plus specialised streams for specific job outcomes (e.g. audio, lighting).
Hours 240 hours
Type Board Developed Course
Duration 2 years
Unit Value 2 unit Preliminary
2 unit HSC
HSC Exam Yes
Workplacement Mandatory 70 hours
SBAT Opportunity to complete a School Based Traineeship and gain credit towards the HSC
RECOGNITION National and HSC Qualification
General Course Flyer Course Flyer
Course Outlines Subject Information Entertainment St Johns College Dubbo
Subject Information Entertainment James Sheahan 

Upcoming Programs

Name Course Start Date Course End Date
James Sheahan Entertainment 2024-2025 02/02/2024 31/10/2025
James Sheahan Entertainment 2025-2026 01/02/2025 31/10/2026